RoboMagellan Project

Rules from RoboGames

RoboMagellan: A navigational rover robot designed to utilize camera functions, GPS, and other navigational sensors to navigate an outdoor course. The waypoints are marked by orange traffic cones, and the robot must reach the finish waypoint for its run to count, while the other waypoints can be reached to score bonus points. The outdoor course contains obstacles in which the robot must avoid or traverse through. The robot must not damage the course, people, or other robots, and must have a safety off switch incorporated into its design.

2012 - 2013 Designs:

Name: M12 LRV Warthog
Project Lead: Ed Solis

Name: GLaDOS
Project Lead: Aamoy Gupta

2009 - 2011 Design:

Name: GlaDOS
Project Lead: Garrett Brown

2009 - 2011 Design:

Name: GLaDOS
Project Lead: Michael Sechooler